Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Nuunvember Review

I am reporting live from Sunriver, OR (20 min outside Bend) where there is no snow but still a very festive feel.  We cut down our own tree in the forest (not a lot), went ice skating, had last nights dinner in the lodge and currently are gathered around the fire watching A Christmas Story (which to my husbands dismay I am not a huge fan of.)

I was on track for running until Saturday morning when we realized my bag with my Brooks was left at the airport and then Sunday when MFR and I both woke up with nasty colds.  I am slowly recovering but was able to get in a short run yesterday though my lungs were on fire.  I am going to attempt my scheduled 9 miler in an hour or so - Merry Christmas to me.

One thing I really like about the training plan I am using is they give you one goal and one theme for each month of the plan. November was dedicated to:
  • Your Goal A sub-54:00 10K or sub-42:30 5-mile race 
  • Your Theme You build your base.
It's so simple but helpful to remember where you're at and what you can do to test yourself to make sure you're on track.  I accomplished my goal of a  sub 54 10K (52 min) in Bend over Thanksgiving and felt good about a base build.

Workout Stats for November:
Running: 72 Miles
Hiking: 12.5
Weights: 15 Min
Total: 84 Miles

Looking forward to December, since it's already the 25th; clearly my news years resolution should be blogging more:
  • Your Goal Complete a Run of 2 hours and 30 min (plan is to do this on Sun)
  • Your Theme You add volume and speed
Right now you can ring in the Nuun year: Personally I hate cowbells but I do love Nuun and I do love cheering so I'll get on on board.

You can use the coupon code: HOLIDAY13 for 20% off all Nuun products until December 31st!

Merry Miles to All!


  1. Nice job on the 10K!! I can't believe you don't like cowbells!!

    1. Sorry friend but they are so loud and obnoxious- especially in a tight van:) I love all other forms of cheering though.

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